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English Publications of Ulrich Duchrow
Books and booklets
mit Hinkelammert, Franz: Transcending Greedy Money: Interreligious Solidarity for Just Relations. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2012.
Property for People, Not for Profit: Alternatives to the Global Tyranny of Capital.
Together with Franz J. Hinkelammert. 2004, Zed Books/CIIR, London and WCC, Geneva.
Colloquium 2000: Faith communities and social movements facing globalization. Studies from the World Alliance of Reformed Churches No 45.
2002, Geneva.
Alternatives to Global Capitalism – Drawn from Biblical History, Designed for Political Action.
1995 (1998²), International Books, Utrecht.
Europe in the World System 1492-1992: Is Justice Possible?
1992, WCC, Geneva.
Total War Against the Poor: Confidential Documents of the 17th Conference of American Armies.
Together with Gert Eisenbürger and Jochen Hippler (ed.). 1990, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 1987, New York CIRCUS Publications, Inc., New York.
Shalom – Biblical Perspectives on Creation, Justice & Peace.
Together with Gerhard Liedke. 1989, WCC, Geneva.
Global Economy – A Confessional Issue for the Churches?
1987, WCC, Geneva.
Conflict over the Ecumenical Movement: Confessing Christ Today in the Universal Church,.
1981, WCC, Geneva.
Fifth Annual Symposium on the Role of Religion and Faith-based Organizations in International Affairs: Financing for Sustainable Development, Towards an Economy of Life (United Nations, January 29, 2019) Economy of Life New York final 4 (in 12 P.)
Panel 1: Economy of Life: Faith-Based Perspectives on Economic Justice as a Moral Imperative – a faith-based framing for financing for development including the moral foundations for an Economy of Life and an economy that incorporates peace with justice.
Theses by Ulrich Duchrow
Economy of Life New York final 4 (in 12 P.)
Overcoming Capitalism with Luther, Marx and Pope. In: People’s Reporter, Special issue (2018) S. 1-11 (see download)
Biblical Clues to a New Economy.
Conference in Bristol, UK on March 24th 2012, “Eye of the Needle- Biblical Clues to a new Economy”, Dioceses of Bath & Wells, Bristol, Exeter, Gloucester, Salisbury and Truro and The Churches’ Council for Industry and Social Responsibility.
Muslim-Christian Theological Framework to Engage Structural Greed Today.
Muslim-Christian Dialogue, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Theological Seminary, 25-29 Sept. 2011, sponsored by World Council of Churches and Lutheran World Federation.
Why Capitalism is Death-bound and How People Can Opt for Life: A Theological Proposal to Economists.
Capitalism-Christianity Conference, Union Theological Seminary, New York, March 25, 2011.
Liberating Lutheran Theology – Freedom for Justice and Solidarity in a Global Context.
Paul Chung, Ulrich Duchrow and Craig Nessan. Minneapolis/Geneva: Fortress/World Council of Churches, 2011.
Against neo-liberal Greed: Buddhist-Christian Praxis.
Buddhists and Christians Engaging Structural Greed Today: A Consultation addressing a Spiritual and Moral Crisis, 22-27 August 2010, Chiang Mai, Thailand, sponsored by Lutheran World Federation.
The People of God in the Context of Imperial Politics, Economics and Ideology in Biblical and Ecumenical Perspective.
Journal of Theology for Southern Africa (2009) Nr. 134, S. 14-31.
The Challenge of Imperial Globalization to Theological Education: Liberation from Violent, Possessive Individualism towards Life in Relationships.
IV International WOCATI Congress, 31 May-7 June, 2008, Thessaloniki/Greece.
Overcoming the Violence of Religion, Empire and Economy in the Inter-religious Spirituality of Gandhi.
in: People’s Reporter, Mumbai/India, Vol. 20 Issue 9, May 10 – 25, 2007 and Vol. 20 Issue 10, May 25 – June 10, 2007.
Capitalism and Human Rights.
in: Smith, Rhona K.M./van den Acker, C., The Essentials of Human Rights. London : Hodder Arnold, 2005, S. 33-36.
People’s and Social Movements in Western Europe.
1997, in: I. Batista (ed.), Social Movements, Globalisation, Exclusion: Challenges and Perspectives, WCC, Geneva.
Christianity in the Context of Globalized Capitalistic Markets.
1997, in: Concilium 97/2, April 1997.